Independent review of the constitution, governance structure and processes of the New Zealand Rugby Union Incorporated
We have the Full Document here to download –
Message from the Chair of NZR
In December last year the NZR Board commissioned an independent review of our constitution and governance structure, with the aim of ensuring that rugby is best placed for the future.
On behalf of the NZR Board, I want to thank the panel for their extensive and detailed report and acknowledge all those who have contributed to the review through various consultation opportunities.
NZR received the review today and the Board will now take time to digest it fully. We are committed to considering all recommendations. We will consult with our member unions and stakeholders on their views and next steps to deliver the best possible governance framework for rugby in Aotearoa New Zealand.
Dame Patsy Reddy
NZR Board Chair
Message from the Chair of the Independent Review Panel
Rugby has played a central role in Aotearoa New Zealand and will continue to do so. All sports are facing considerable challenge in a changing world, Rugby is no different. We acknowledge and appreciate the broad brief provided by NZ Rugby along with the encouragement to inquire as we see fit.
The process the panel intends to adopt will allow any interested party or individual to express their views. We will meet face to face with key stakeholders and some individuals when further inquiry is warranted. This exercise is an important opportunity to craft a governance framework that will serve the sport well into the future.
I am delighted to be working with hugely experienced colleagues on the panel and thank them for their commitment to this review. The panel intends to take the time necessary to undertake a thorough process. There will be no quick or simple solutions. We look forward to talking with the wider rugby world.
David Pilkington
Panel Chair
Background Information
You can read the terms of reference for the review which can be found here.
The constitution and strategic plan of NZR are the other key relevant documents.