Homecoming celebrations for World Champions
Air New Zealand all black 777-300 to bring All Blacks home
Fans will be able to welcome back the All Blacks at homecoming celebrations in Auckland, Christchurch and Wellington this week.
The All Blacks will travel home with the help of sponsor Air New Zealand which has sent an all black Boeing 777-300 to London to pick up the World Champions.
The team returns on Wednesday morning at 7.00am, arriving at Auckland International Airport before departing for an overnight stay in the city.
Aucklanders will then get a chance to celebrate their World Cup triumph at a very special event featuring the team at Victoria Park in central Auckland at 12 noon.
The next day Christchurch will welcome the All Blacks with a street parade and official reception at Hagley Park. On Friday Wellington will celebrate the All Blacks success with details and timing to be confirmed tomorrow.
“We know fans will be really keen to see the All Blacks and show their appreciation for this historic back-to-back triumph which has made us all so proud,” said Neil Sorensen, General Manager Rugby for New Zealand Rugby.
“The team also wants to show New Zealanders how much their support has meant to them over the past six weeks.
“We would have loved to bring the team to other centres, but the players need to get back home to their families after such a long time away.
“Just as we did after the 2011 victory, we will be looking at ways making sure all New Zealanders can share in this fantastic moment. We don’t want the Webb Ellis Cup gathering dust at New Zealand Rugby House.”
All Blacks celebrations
Wednesday 4 November – Auckland
- 7.00am approx. Team arrives into Auckland International Airport on NZ1. Expected in the public arrivals area around 7.30am.
- 12 noon – 2pm celebration event at Victoria Park, central Auckland.
Thursday 5 November – Christchurch
- 2.30pm – Parade begins at the corner of Rolleston Ave and Hereford St. Continues along Rolleston Ave and Park Terrace concluding before the Bealey Ave intersection.
- 3.15pm – Mayoral welcome and public reception in Carlton Mill Corner, North Hagley Park.
Friday 6 November – Wellington
Details to be confirmed Tuesday.
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